Interpolate curve, help with constructing domain/filter

Hi all,

Hoping to get some help around crafting the right domain so I can interpolate curves along the ending members as a sort of “exterior rail”. As it stands I’ve been trying to get at it from endpoints and then sorting the domain, but I’m not having much luck around it.

I’ve included some images as well as the gh file. Any help towards best commands/workflow regarding trimming the data set to only the exterior points is greatly appreciated!


Shell (Cleaned) (3).gh (37.7 KB)

Current State, Yellow highlights is the goal int.crv

Goal Image with exterior rail

From your file:

Using vectors to construct a domain to be used as a dispatch pattern? I don’t think you will get anywhere with this.

Your file already contains the geometry needed to extract the curves you’re looking for.

See the yellow group I added to your file. It may not be exactly what you want, but it should give you a starting point.

Shell (Cleaned) (3) (44.9 KB)
