Installing Rhino 6 onto another Drive

I am having trouble installing Rhino 6 onto my computer. My issue is that upon installing, rhino automatically wants to install onto the D: drive which I don’t have any memory left. So how do I make rhino 6 install on a different drive?

Rhino should be installed on the same drive as your Windows OS. If the issue is due to not enough space on that drive, it sounds like you’ll need to clean up what you store there. If you get an install failure log file, email with it and we can take a look too.

A big chunk of the Rhino install adds tools to Windows like .NET, several VB C++ redistributables, etc.
These MUST be installed in to Windows.
Rhino itself, can be installed on another drive.

My guess is you many have an older system with a small 128 or 256 SSD for Windows. If I’ve guessed right, you’ll need to replace the drive or replace the computer. If the computer is as old as I think it is, I would not replace the drive, but that’s your choice.