InsertKnot/Control Point Workflow Problem

So uh…can we toss that on the dev pile?

I think ideally it would be its own command - IncreaseControlPoint or something like that, that simply steps the number of control points up by 1, without any control of where the point goes. If you want to place the point somewhere specific (and make your surface non uniform) that’s already covered by InsertKnot.

Hi Sky …it would create a new surface or curve with uniformly spaced (in 3d space) points, with one more point than the input that has the exact same shape as an input, correct? (My guess is there would need to be a tolerance setting - I am not sure much more can be done than with Rebuild , but who knows…) And I take it you want uniform knots as well as evenly spaced control points? What would you expect the result to be if the input does not have evenly spaced control points?

BTW, InsertControlPoint may also be useful…


Yeah that sounds nice!

As for the control point parameterization - I would image that the output surface would have the same parameterization as the input surface - so, even spaced yields roughly evenly spaced, non evenly spaced would yield a slightly more dense version of the input surface.

InsertControlPoint seems to drastically change the surface, just by inserting a control point.

Right - that is the trade-off - inserting a knot rearranges the points to maintain the shape and put the knot where you say, inserting a point arranges the knots (and makes them uniform, btw, last I checked) so that the point can go where you say.

Not sure what this means, in practice - how dense would be too dense? Rhino is just dumb… we need a way to tell it what we want.

I’ll grill some of the bigger brains, but my guess of the moment is this overall request is hard to impossible - you will not be able to maintain the shape better than Rebuild if you want even point spacing. I’ll shout if I get some more info.
