Inserted blocks - 'unloaded'?

Since there’s the new Bock Definitions panel…
Is it possible to set an inserted block (xref if you like) to ‘unloaded’ / ‘loaded’ ?
Meaning somehow it’s kept in the block list (maybe greyed out), but does not load it’s content, until it is toggled back to ‘loaded’.

Idea is to speed up loading time of files with lots of linked blocks, without having to remove blocks.
It’s a convenience feature - keep the links in the file, but don’t show them.

I believe I’ve seen this in AutoCad.


Hi Eugen. Have you considered to use Rhino’s Worksession for this?

Yes, but VisualArq does not support them, and I need it in this case.
However, the way worksessions can be toggled is pretty much what I’m after.

Some time ago I read about McNeel having plans to ‘unify’ inserts and worksessions, somehow…


Have you proposed this to AsuniCAD (who are the developers of VisualARQ)? I seems to me to be preferable to support worksessions in VisualARQ compared to using blocks for something, which they are not intended for.

VisualARQ nowadays works better through worksessions. The objects are recognised as VisualARQ objects, even through Grasshopper.

Yes, I know, but I tried vaSectionView, and it didn’t show the objects loaded as worksession. Will double-check though, maybe I’m blind.

But that’s another story. I still think the initial wish is legitimate. Xrefs - big fat CAD plans in this case - can be transformed in place, which worksessions cannot. I’d have to modify all CAD drawings to sit in the right place upfront.

Toggling them on/off to speed up the workflow would be useful.

How about Linked blocks as “Reference”? I use then all the time. They’re lighter than regular blocks, and the Layers do not mix with the file layers, so they are easy to “turn off” by hiding a single layer.
Plus you can move them.


EDIT: Though, they don’t show up in VARQ sections either…

Yeah, bugger…
They say it needs ‘linked and embedded’.

@enric @fsalla
Would it be a theoretically possible to _vaSection to include worksessioned objects? Now that they are recognised as VisualARQ objects…

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That was my point exactly. We should let the developer of BIM Rhino deal with theese issues instead of turning Rhino into AutoCAD,

Hi @Toni_Osterlund , this should work right now. I mean, as long as the section line is in the active file, when you activate it it should section everything in the model, including Rhino and VisualARQ objects from other attached files. If you have an example that it’s not working, please send it over.

Yes, you are correct. Seems to work correct now even through worksession.
I was too hasty for not testing it before.

Do you get the same results?