Insert dowels into woodworking project

Hello, is there any way to place dowels in a project “automatically”, without having to do them one by one?

Many ways yes, Array command is one.

But your question is too vague. Please provide more information and/or a Rhino file.

Also using Python or Grasshopper you can automate the process.

It really depends on your projects specifics as to what would be the best approach.

Hope that helps!

Hi, I’m new to Rhinoceros.

I would like to insert dowels between the chair pieces for correct alignment.

Can you help me, give an example of how this process is done?

Thank you very much in advance.
Chair_.3dm (6.5 MB)

Hi Eduardo,

What are the rules (spacing, size, …), do you have an example dowel? I’m not seeing any blocks in the file.

In general you’ll want geometry to remove the material from the slat and then the dowel geometry. I would put these in a block on different layers (or even as nested blocks on different layers), then distribute the block as req’d.

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the dowel is 6mmx30mm, and each slat in the project is 18mm thick and 22mm wide.

I would like the holes to be left for machining on the cnc router.


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Construction point pick numbers of location on XYZ, sdl line how long in direction and only in length could be a vector force from a drived line or lines and use pipe and a radius number.

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