Insert a detail into model space?

Hi. A friend approached me with a simple question: Is it possible to create a detail within a model space (similar to layout space)? The goal is to use this detail as a reference for some detailed drawing aside the large “source” drawing and not to mess up with the rest of the drawing.

Blocks as well as worksession is not the way to go. I realized that this feature could be handy and also that it is possible to achieve within the layout space. The question is whether it’s possible to create a detail (a snippet) within the model space or is there some other workaround?

This is a simple explanation what I wish to achieve:

I don’t think you can put a detail within model space, but maybe try NewFloatingViewport? That’s what I use if I need a small zoomed-in area to be visible while working on something larger.

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I was thinking the same.
Floating Viewports are made exactly to have a detail without changing the viewport layout.
Would be interesting if the floating view could be dockable… :thinking: (like a panel).

You could do something like this…

R8-House.3dm (1.2 MB) (13.0 KB)

That’s definitely interesting, thanks for the hint. I miss the opportunity to snap to the “detail” (as possible in layout space). Grasshopper’s cache could help, but still the user has to click the button to update the cached geometry…

Is there a reason why detail is only possible to insert into layout space? I am curious about that, because in layout it works as expected. Even tho I feel that somehow a layout space is not designed for such a usage…

a little better (12.6 KB)