Miau X
January 16-June 21, 2017
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, from 3:45 to 8:30 pm
ETSAM - Polytechnic University of Madrid
Miau X (Infographics for Architecture at Polytechnic University of Madrid) is the new edition of the specialization course in Infographics and Multimedia Project Design at ETSAM, Technical School of Architecture in Madrid.
Twenty-four lines of research will be developed to focus students’ production on cutting edge topics at the intersection of technology and design.
Miau is an official Instrumental Specialization Course for ideation and creative experimentation in architecture, from generation to representation: Project Generation + Computer Graphics + New Technologies + Production Lab.
This course covers advanced modeling with Rhino, Grasshopper, VisualARQ, and other topics.
Contact: Infografia.arquitectura@upm.es - hey@miauhaus.org - tel. 637462802
Complete info (in Spanish)…
Posted Jan 03, 2017 by Elena Caneva on Rhino News, etc.