after the recent switch to the new Shapediver Version i can no longer uploade new Grasshopper Scripts to Shapediver. I can drag or select the file I want to upload, but then I get stuck in an infinite loading screen.
Could you tell me if it works when you try to upload on the legacy platform
Are you working in Rhino 6 or Rhino 7? Could you send me a simple file example for testing on my side?
Uploading on the Legacy works. I’m working in Rhino 7.
I tried my big working gh definition and a small script without plugins or python scripts.
Here’s a small test gh script: (51.7 KB)
I already noticed this and tried uploading without a point in the name. Sry i forgot to mention. With the point in the name I get an reminder that only .gh files are accepted and don’t even get the infinite loading screen.