InCurves - How to List items

I need to list out all points that fall within a set of curves and separately all the points that don’t. I’ve tried to sort the list, partition the list, cull the list and I just can’t get it right. What’s the best way to split this list?

*I i know there’s a third category of points that might fall on the line, In my situation it’s unlikely they will do so, so I would like to just combine any that do with “inside” points. (6.7 KB)

Hi @ryan.odom,

Dispatch will get you where you need to go.
This should work for the points that fall on the line as well.

If, in another use case it doesn’t, just update the conditional logic to check if the R output != 0 and use that as the P input for Dispatch. If it does not equal 0, that means it is either inside or on the curve in question.

Graph Space:

Model Space:

Cheers, hope that helps! (8.8 KB)

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Looks like it’s working but maybe you can’t see it. I grafted the circles to make branches but even they disappear unless the ColorBa component is selected. (19.5 KB)

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