Incomplete intersection nurbs surface with surface of revolution

I’ve go two surfaces, one surface of revolution which entirely encompasses a nurbs surface. If I try to find the intersection curve it only finds a part of the intersection. This also means I cannot trim the nurbs etc.

Incomplete_intersection.3dm (155.3 KB)

Hi @Arjan,

Get the NURB form of the surface of revolution, and then calculate the intersection of the the two NURBS surfaces.

– Dale

Hi @dale,

Getting the nurb form is not sufficient for this case (@Arjan is my co-worker and we’ve tried to solve this problem using the nurb form already). You actually need to rebuild the surface to get a decent intersection curve. Run the code below and the intersection on the nurb surface is the same as the intersection on the revolve surface.

public Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
    ObjRef sRef;
    Result res = RhinoGet.GetOneObject("revolve-srf", false, ObjectType.Surface, out sRef);
    if (res != Result.Success)
        return res;

    doc.Objects.Select(sRef, false);

    ObjRef tRef;
    res = RhinoGet.GetOneObject("srf-2", false, ObjectType.Surface, out tRef);
    if (res != Result.Success)
        return res;

    Surface revSrf = sRef.Surface();
    Surface t = tRef.Surface();

    Curve[] cx;
    Point3d[] px;
    if (Intersection.SurfaceSurface(revSrf, t, doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, out cx, out px))
        if (null != cx)
            ObjectAttributes a = new ObjectAttributes {Name = "Intersection rev-surface"};
            foreach (var c in cx)
                doc.Objects.AddCurve(c, a);

    using (var ns = revSrf.ToNurbsSurface())
        if (Intersection.SurfaceSurface(ns, t, doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, out cx, out px))
            if (null != cx)
                ObjectAttributes a = new ObjectAttributes { Name = "Intersection nurbs-surface" };
                foreach (var c in cx)
                    doc.Objects.AddCurve(c, a);

    using (var rebuilt = revSrf.Rebuild(3, 3, 30, 30))
        if (Intersection.SurfaceSurface(rebuilt, t, doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, out cx, out px))
            if (null != cx)
                ObjectAttributes a = new ObjectAttributes { Name = "Intersection rebuilt-surface" };
                foreach (var c in cx)
                    doc.Objects.AddCurve(c, a);

    return Result.Success;

Yeah. It does’t work. The problem lies in the Curve/Surface intersector.

Hi @GregArden,

See attached file, this is one in the same category but has nothing to do with revolved surfaces. Again, due to an incomplete intersection operations like boolean union fail. I only have to slightly nudge the geometry to make it work.

intersectionFail.3dm (127.1 KB)

Made a bug report. The problem is a missed curve surface intersection point.