In OpenNurbs c# : convert 3d curves to Trim Curve possible?

Hi @dale,

Is that possible to convert an 3D Curve to trim curve in OpenNurbs c#.

I am trying to construct an Brep, (cylindrical surface with hole in it), but can’t able to create a trim curve. is that any possibilities or options available in OpenNurbs c#.

You will have to create the trim curve from code, there is no way in opennurbs to get a 2d trim curve for a 3d curve representing the hole. Such functionality is only available in the Rhino SDK, not in opennurbs.

through code in the sense,
using the intervals from the surface, and making the 3d edge curve to pullback to the surface parameter ?

if so can you suggest any working algorithm or samples ?

The example rhino-developer-samples/rhinocommon/cs/SampleCsCommands/SampleCsFaceWithHole.cs at 8 · mcneel/rhino-developer-samples · GitHub

Check the function CreateInnerTrimmingCurve at around line 400.


but those are hardcoded edges with static 4 sides for planar surface. what would be a generic logic for an cylindrical surfaces innerloop trims.

Even closedSide is not available in OpenNurbs