Importing the PlanktonGh library in GHPython? Possible?

Hey @timothytai, here’s an example file… (10.3 KB)

I’ve included an example C# script that references both Plankton.dll and Plankton.gha and uses the Mesh.ToPlanktonMesh() extension method. I think the reason this wasn’t working for you is that you used using PlanktonGH; instead of using PlanktonGh; (note the lower case “h”).

I’ve also included an example C# script that manually constructs a PlanktonMesh from a Rhino Mesh and supports NGons (this wasn’t available when Plankton was written).

By the way, you’re right, you can reference .gha assemblies in C# scripts without renaming them to .dll first. Here’s how…

Let me know if you have any more questions!