Importing Step files in Rhino V5

I have an issue when importing step files generated in solidworks into Rhino 5, I am seeing an infinite repeated set of helixes. Is this something that can be resolved on the Rhino end?

My experience has been Solidworks does a terrible job exporting as stp. The good news is Rhino does an amazing job opening native Solidworks parts and assembly files.

You are likely to have issues like this from Solidworks exports to Rhino- Fillets might also import in as huge circles. Looks like you have a problematic thread (helices mess up quite a bit)
I have had a little better luck with iges files, and sometimes native Solidworks.

i have been using step for a long time without any issues at all, i’m only pulling solids out though?

it seems to work fine until the files get to a certain size and then this helix bug seems to happen. I am exporting solids from solidworks as Step AP214 format.

Does the step have any sort of helical geometry in it at all? No weird hidden construction curves anywhere?

I find Step AP 203 works a little better…and if your Rhino supports it- Solidworks native import.

Can you explode the blocks- pick the helices and then delete them?

Thanks for the advice. Once I exploded all blocks I was able to delete the nested helixes. I deleted and kept zooming in until I finally got to the imported model. AP213 seems to behave the same way, but if I can remove the errors, I can get usable geometry.