When importing a PDF document to either model space or layout page the outline of the table is creating a hatch. When you delete all the hatch lines the outlines of the table either fall short or overshoot the boundaries, screenshots attached. Using V6 evaluation
anyone ? :)
has anyone else noticed this @mary @nathanletwory @pascal
@milezee - sorry, I am not familiar with PDF import. Hopefully @pascal will be able to tell more, possibly assign to the right dev.
thanks Nathan
That depends on the way, the PDF was created.
There are several ways to implement a line with a thickness in PDF. From what you describe, the line itself is represented as a hatch. after deleting that, a single line remains, that Looks to me like it’s just one of the possible bounding lines. So depending on the orientation, that line is either left or right of the original center. Depending on the way, the table was created, the original lines may either overlap or join end to end.
What your picture Looks like to me:
The top and rigth lines were drawn without overlap. The right line joines the top one from below.
The lines were on top or to the left of the hatch. So the the right line ends one line width below the top line. it is set one line width to the left.
The lines below were drawn with overlap of the right line. So your remaining lines were probably on top of the hatches and overlap the right line by one line width.
All in all probably not a problem if import but just the way lines are visually represented in the PDF.
Its a simple table created in excel, no formulas, with a boundary applied to all cells, then saved out as a PDF. My guess is it should be a simple thing to do, so why the hatches are being generated I don’t know, and then when you delete the hatches the border of the table is not quite right. Hopefully someone from McNeel will take a look at this.
Exported a simple table thick outer contour, thin inner grid. This is what Adobe Illustrator sees.
See the black areas? Those are filled shapes. Shape outlines are highlighted in red.
The content of the PDF is a bunch of filled polygons and text.
So what exactly is the expected result?
Funny note: Rhino6 on my machine imports outlines and adds the single line, you see after deleting the hatches. I don’t get hatches. Question is: where does the single line come from?
it seems like something a little strange is happening
Hi Milezee,
Sorry for the delay. Thanks for alerting me to this.
I am not getting the same result that you are. Am I missing something?
I know you said it was a simple file. Could you post a sample file?
Also when I make a new spreadsheet from the Excel templates, they all look really good.
So I have attached the images and the 3DM for you to test.
Mary Ann Fugier
MAF example table files.zip (2.1 MB)
inventory list.pdf (358.1 KB)
table example.pdf (300.7 KB)
Hi Mary, thanks for jumping in . I’m seeing the same when I import your PDF table, the cell borders are overlaid with hatches, if I select all the hatches, delete, I’m left with the lines of the borders, but they fall short or overshoot the perimeter of the table. I have attached a simple file with one of my files PDF Table_Text.3dm (841.3 KB)
I need to reiterate:
The hatches (and lines) are part of the PDF content. That’s the way Excel generates elements to visually represent the table. To draw a line with a given thickness, excel generates a filled box. These boxes are imported to Rhino as hatches.
In Mary’s files there are only hatches.
I don’t know why the single lines on top and to the right of the hatch are generated in my test case (didn’t see them the first time) and yours. They just represent the top or left border of the hatches. Depending on the position and thickness of the table border (hatch) they overlap or are spaced apart by measure of the connecting table border thickenss.
Again: This is PDF content generated by Excel. There is nothing wrong with the way it is imported into Rhino 6.
Excel does not export the center lines of the table borders. It is probably pretty straight forward to estimate those ideal center lines of the table borders, but again this information is not part of the PDF. Rhino has no way to be sure that those filled rectangular forms are meant to be lines of a table. What would work for your table will very likely produce a ton of garbage in other cases. So all that gets imported was part of the original PDF. Nothing gets generated and nothing should.
Mappe1.pdf (38.7 KB)
Hi Halo,
Can I get your 3DM file of the PDF table that you import?
Do you use any plugins?
What is the Rhino 6 version, Help and About?
I can DupBorder on the Hatch borders and assign them to a Red layer and pretty much get what you are getting.
I would be interested in what happens in Rhino 6 Safemode.
When you type Import, pick yes to load the plug in.
Is the safemode import any different? I would like this file as well.
Thanks for your help and the additional details.
Mary Ann Fugier
I guess my post is a little confusing. The screenshot with the red borders is an Adobe Illustrator screenshot. It was meant to illustrate the original content of the PDF file. I just selected the original fills and set the outline color to red. No Rhino involved, no 3DM file.
When I first opened the PDF in Illustrator, I missed the extra lines in the PDF that milezee seems to think are incorrectly imported in Rhino. Fact is, they are there in the first place. They seem to be a duplicate of the top or left line of the hatch outline. They are generated by Excel. I just didn’t see them when I opened the PDF file in Illustrator at first or accidentally deleted them while deleting the clipping mask paths in Illustrator.
Hi all,
Have anybody of you noted there is an issue in text style importing a PDF containing an excel table?
If in the table there is a mix of bold text and normal text the table imported to Rhino does not preserve original formatting.
Text Size also changes in Rhino so that it could not fit anymore in cells
I imported the same PDF into BricsCAD with no issues so looks like a Rhino’s bug.
Rhino 8 WIP behaves the same as 7
Follows screenshot from Excel, Rhino, BricsCAD:
You can find sample files here
yes i have problems that imported pdf from excel i need to asjust it always after import
a lot of these issues would be solved if McNeel would integrate their own BOM generator and table generator inside native Rhino. I’ve been importing pdfs with tables on them for years, it sucks as a workflow ! @mary any movement on being able to create our own tables of contents inside Rhino ?
This would be a huge improvement if you use BOM’s!
In my case I need just to insert tables.
@mary What about copy-pasting from Excel to Rhino as an OLE object?
Is there any hope we’ll see this on Rhino one day?
Hi Luca -
Thanks, I’ve put this on the list as RH-73946 File IO: Import PDF - Text issue
When pasting from Excel, a picture will be placed in Rhino. For macros with values that are generated in Excel, pasting in the MacroEditor will paste the raw text…