In France, we can download and import data from RGE ALTI® | Géoservices who gives 1m precision elevation data for all France. I can download 1kmx1km squares in .asc format.
The datas are in Lambert93. But I lack the orthophotographic layer in lands to design my project.
Is it possible to apply orthophotography to apply it to a terrain ? The one available in geoervices is far more detailled than the one coming with the lands design import terrain command ?
You may open that asc file, in Lands Design by import DEM file command form Lands pull down menu. Then, you can insert 2D mesh of the selected area, including satellite image, by Import elevation data command in Lands toolbar. The elevation precision of this type of mesh is 1 sample/10 m. Therefore, it has not the precision of asc file from RGE ALTI. You can use that satellite image (mesh) in background to localize the drawings and location of objects.
Thanks Elham
So that will be my plan B.
Plan A would be to use grasshopper "planar mapping on RGE ALTI datas. I guess it would be possible to do so if 1km x1km are the same.