Hi everyone,
i want to test a script in GH Python that needs numpy and scipy.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Hi everyone,
i want to test a script in GH Python that needs numpy and scipy.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
There was an attempt at making a port of numpy for .Net – but the company that started that, later stopped. I would suggest to test it outside Rhino, as Rhino uses IronPython and for now there is no IronPython version of numpy. You might be able to still load Enthought’s first attempt of the port in Rhino 5 32-bit, but you might also likely find some spot that will possibly never be implemented.
Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates
Hi Giulio
I need import Fiona, numpy and scipy these three packages in rhino to compare shapes. Once import it, it give me an error, Message: No module named os. How can i fix this. It’s that I can import numpy and scipy in Rhino(64bits)?
Notes on Numpy failure in Rhino Python: