I'm trying to project a globe image onto an icosahedron

I’m trying to project a globe image onto an icosahedron.
I am trying to create a globe by projecting the image below onto Dual geodesic icosahedron Pattern 4. Please advise on what to do.

I think you can simply apply spherical projection and you should be good.

Can you tell me specifically what to do?

Select the icosahedron, then _ApplySphericalMapping

If unclear, pls post a file.

3470_original.3dm (6.9 MB)
please help me

3470_original_sg.3dm.zip (11.2 MB)
Notice that the picture map you provided gives more accurate result. The curves/hatched version misses the sea at the top, resulting in significant pinching.

The method:

  1. Draw a sphere around the icosahedron
  2. Draw a flat plane around the curves
  3. Use FlowAlongSrf to flow from flat to the sphere
  4. Pull the resulting curves to the meshed icosahedron


thank you. It was very helpful.

When you pull, the map is not connected at the corner. This seems to be a phenomenon that occurs when using Pull. Is there any other way to solve this? And when you unrollsrf, the contents of the map are not reflected. I would like to know how to unrollsrf while maintaining the contents of the map.
Also, when the earth image was covered, the image disappeared when unrollsrf was performed.

What’s your end goal with this?

My final goal is to unrollsrf the globe with the color Earth image in the file.
I’m going to make a big globe with this.
I plan to create each image using Urollsrf, print it transparently, and attach it to polycarbonate.

in that case @Willem might be able to help you out.

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Thank you

Hi @crow_lee

If I understand correct you want to pull both curves and texture to the planar surfaces?

How about this, instead of pull do the following:

Apply a 3D scale to all the curves with the Copy option.
Scale them from the center of the sphere texture mapping inward.
Next create lofts between the corresponding outer and inner curves
Last intersect the lofted surfaces with your isosahedron faces

Does this make sense?

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