I made an automatic fingerjoint GH Cluster

Hello, I’ve made a cluster in GH to automatically and parametrically generate finger joints for 2 overlapping geometries.

Please have a look at the short video to get an idea:

This is an easy example of just two overlapping solids.

But you can also do an open box for example:

The thing is to do this you have to use the cluster for each overlap between solids this would look like this for the box:

I would believe the usability would be greatly improved if you would just be able to import a list of solids. And the script needs to check where the solids touch. And perform this operation on the touching solids and use the output for the other interfaces inbetween solids.

I’ve included two example files one for the open box and the opne of the video:
basicDemo.gh (18.8 KB)
box demo.gh (20.1 KB)

All feedback is welcome. And if someone would be able to guide me in the good direction on how to make it easier to use with multiple solids that would be much appreciated.

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Thank you for this definition.

I do work in the furniture industry and I do have an idea of improvement if you need some.

Will be great if will work also with parts that are just touching and are not overlapping like in the image bellow. Best regards.

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I exaclty understand what you mean. But I have absolutly no idea how I could make it work like that. Now I can set the depth of the fingers based on how deep the solids penetrate each other.
I did add some improvements and made the definition more robust. pleas euse this one instead.

Added features:

  • spacing is only in the direction that maters to get a good fit and is a value in units
  • you can flip the tabs it that would be better for your design.

GH Corner demo definition V0.2.gh (29.0 KB)

I’m still looking for a way how I can feed the definition just a list of objects and it outputs all the objects with the tabs where it matters.

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