I am not able to export files using Shape diver backend API

Hard time trying to implement export via Backend API.

Always getting internal error.

Need help.

Thanks in advance.

Could you provide a code example as well as the ticket and/or URL of the model you are trying to trigger exports from?


I am doing a simple post request via POSTMAN.
Now, its saying “backend access not allowed”. Even though its allowed in the Shapediver UI.

Just gave it a try, and it works.

Thanks for the try Alexander.

I’m still getting same error. Not sure where I am going wrong.

The ticket shown in your screenshot is a different one than the one you mentioned before. Is it a wrong one?

Well, the same model generated new ticket.

Below is the result with same ticket as above.

Could it be that for some reason your Postman is sending an Origin header?

Can be, I am not sure.
I tried cURL from terminal, its working.

But the export request is throwing empty response.

Please check, likely that’s the issue.

What is the request payload you are sending? Please add details which allow to fully reproduce the problem.