I’m trying to get closest point projected to the sphere and it’s plane(frame) and ultimately get the vector out of it. Which should be something like above in grasshopper
I have to implement this into cpython for some reason but I’m stuck at even getting the closest parameter work in rhinoinside cpython.
I’m mostly new to using rhino common and obviously also the rhino inside cpython so I might be doing something wrong.
import rhinoinside
import System
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
origin = rg.Point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0)
p = rg.Point3d(1.0, 0.0, 1.732051) # Polar Point (0.0, 60, 2.0)
s = rg.Sphere(origin,1.0)
s2 = s.ToNurbsSurface()
s4 = s.ToRevSurface()
pr = s.ClosestParameter(p)
>>> TypeError: No method matches given arguments for ClosestParameter: (<class 'Rhino.Geometry.Point3d'>)
u1 = 0 # should have got this from clsptparam
v1 = 1.047198 # should have got his from clsptparam
fr2 = s2.FrameAt(u1,v1)
fr4 = s4.FrameAt(u1,v1)
>>> TypeError: No method matches given arguments for ClosestParameter: (<class 'Rhino.Geometry.Point3d'>)
in the ghpython this works so I’m wondering what is wrong with my code…
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
origin = rg.Point3d(0,0,0)
p = rg.Point3d(1.0, 0.0, 1.732051) #Polar Point (0.0, 60, 2.0)
s = rg.Sphere(origin,1.0)
c1 = s.ClosestPoint(p) # sphere
p1 = s.ClosestParameter(p)
u1 = p1[1]
v1 = p1[2]
I could instead use rhino3dm but now the ClosestPoint doesn’t work if I turn the sphere into ToNurbsSurface which I need to get the FrameAt function.
import rhino3dm
origin = rhino3dm.Point3d(0,0,0)
p = rhino3dm.Point3d(1.0, 0.0, 1.732051)
s = rhino3dm.Sphere(origin,1.0)
s1 = s
c1 = s1.ClosestPoint(p)
p1 = s1.ClosestParameter(p)
u1 = p1[1]
v1 = p1[2]
n1 =s1.NormalAt(u1,v1)
In the end I was able to make this work by passing the uv from sphere’s ClosestParameter to the one converted into NurbsSurface. But now I wonder if there is more sane way to do this
import rhino3dm
origin = rhino3dm.Point3d(0,0,0)
p = rhino3dm.Point3d(1.0, 0.0, 1.732051)
s = rhino3dm.Sphere(origin,1.0)
s1 = s
s2 = s1.ToNurbsSurface()
c1 = s1.ClosestPoint(p)
p1 = s1.ClosestParameter(p)
u1 = p1[1]
v1 = p1[2]
n1 =s1.NormalAt(u1,v1)
WXY = rhino3dm.Plane.WorldXY()
f2 = s2.FrameAt(u1,v1,WXY)
f2p = f2[1]
PO = f2p.Origin
PX = f2p.XAxis
PY = f2p.YAxis
PZ = f2p.ZAxis
Here are attached files described above incae…
python-project.zip (24.3 KB)