How to set the color of boundery surface using the point color if the point is inside the boundery surface?

Everything in the title
How to set the color of boundery surface using the point color if the point is inside the boundery surface ?

What is point color? You mean converting point’s XYZ coordinates to color RGB values?

No, it really is not.

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assuming the referenced point in Rhino has a color assigned, (like it’s display color property), you would first need to get that info. You could do it with a fairly straightforward ghpython component, (set type hint for input x to GUID).

import Rhino

obj = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(x)

print obj.Attributes.ObjectColor

a = obj.Attributes.ObjectColor

from there, you would then perform your point inclusion test with standard GH components. If it’s on/in the surface, color the surface with the point color, if not…do something else.