I’m generating mapped polylines based on the points generated on a capped loft. I want to turn the polyline into pipes
terbaru + isi coba.gh (31.1 KB)
jaringan 2 + isi.3dm (95.6 KB)
, but I don’t like the brep edges to be included, how can I do this?
here at the start of your definition you have both the -open- Loft and the capped Loft going into the A input of the Bool Difference: I think that causes problems also in the subsequent data structure:
if you connect there just the capped Loft, it looks to me like the data structure is correct
please check that, and then speaking about your question, is these green ones you want to be removed?
it should look like this?!?
Yup i want to remove the green one, as shown by the brep edges. Anyway thank you for correcting the input for the solid difference
this could be one way:
in short, it takes the middle point of each cell-edge curve, measures the distance between that point and the closest Brep edge that you don’t want: if the distance is bigger than a threshold, the edge is kept, otherwise it’s deleted
terbaru + isi coba_Re.gh (26.5 KB)
In additional notes, i want the illusion of the pipes to be not bounded by the edges of the capped loft, so it should be like this illustration:
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! this is nice as I expected
Hi do you what caused this two spikes branching out of the brep boundaries? What parameter of which component caused this
usually that is caused by lines that are too short when generating the Multipipe, literally tiny curves
you could try cull_pattern on lines shorter than xxx units and see if that solves the issue