How to rebuild a circle into superellipse?

I am trying to make a controllable superellipse in Grasshopper.

I was taught the right way to do it in Rhino is as in the video, so I think that is the correct shape.
Now I like to do that in GH by manipulating the weight of the control points. The final shape is quite close but not equal to the one in Rhino.
I wonder which one is the right result and why.

perforated (11.5 KB)

I uploaded the GH file.

You need to convert the circle to NurbsCurve

perforated (13.0 KB)


You could also plot the super ellipse formula and draw a curve through the points:


There’s also the Borromini Oval, used by Francesco Borromini’s in his dome of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane 1646, and based on circular arcs. For certain values its pretty close to a super ellipse.

Borromini oval in (102.7 KB)


Thank you! Yes I have to change it to 3 degree and 8 CPs.

Thank you! I never knew it, great to know there is this beautiful shape!

Understood, Thanks!