How to pack / nest blocks with curves inside ( Grasshopper, Open Nest )

I have many blocks from DXF. Every island is a block. I want to nest it on a rectangle. To do that I would like to get red lines from every block instance join them separately into block representation (closed curve) and feed it to Open Nest to pack it. After moving the island representation I would like to move the block with the same transfer data.

For now, I have a problem with how to get red curves/lines/splines inside every block and join them.

I`ve tried also to do some bounding boxes but bounding boxes are square and I would like to have better fitting.


I`ve made 3dm files which show my problem:

packing blocks in rectangle (opennest).3dm (79.7 KB)

I want to pack red lines inside green rectangle but blocks should follow nesting.

So, the first problem is to use the Grasshopper OpenNest plugin and move blocks with the same translation as red closed curves. Any help? (9.9 KB)

This is packing which I did (I would like to get nesting/packing without any rotation only moving). I want to pack it inside a green boundary but nesting doesn`t work. Why?


I think what you ask is very classical and must have surely been dealt with in numerous opennest examples. But whatever it is very simple.
Take the block and explode it. What I understand is you want the exterior curve, I took the longest but it could be better to take the bigger bounding box (inside curve could be longer !!!).
Then feed that to OpenNest (version 1 here) (8.1 KB)

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Why it doesn`t work with OpenNest 2 and Rhino 8?

it works here

You better read the documentation as Open Nest 2 is quite different


@laurent_delrieu Thank you.

Yes indeed. Now you need to you nest_geo component.
Previously you could provide geometry directly for nesting. But it changed because there were just too many options: a) rhino geometry, b) grasshopper geometry, c) proper polygon with hole handling, d) simplification, e) copies of elements. I think it made inputs a bit more modulor. Which I made it on purpose specially when I had to rewrite certain things for rhino8. Hope it is not too much of a hassle…

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