How to make grasshopper forget the past

So ive made a surface

Goal :- I need to implement the Triangular panels A and add pipe command for the frames.

  1. made desired curves
  2. couldnt connect via curve network so used patch
  3. deleted the excess

why patch- when I use curve network or loft it comes as poly surface and im unable to link it to the surface component

when I plug the surface and reparameterize the surface to forget the previously defined surface input, it still shows the original surface in the Triangular panel A component and unable to generate to the desired surface generated

Look into the attachments attached and please guide me :_)

To my mcneel fam .3dm (229.1 KB)
To my mcneel fam 73dm .3dm (229.2 KB)

Is there a reason you are using non-single nurbs curves for the loft? If your input curves would be non-polycurves, you wouldn’t have the issue of a polysurface result.

I also don’t have the panels component you are using here, but here’s a possible solution
It involves constructing a new surface using your input curves, for the sole purpose of generating the panels.

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Reason for using non-single curbs curves is just lack of modelling knowledge for that particular shape I need to generate so use multiple lines to get my desired shape

Thank you, I did make the frames and panels, and found that I patched or the loft didn’t work because I used un-required lines which created unwanted surface that has to be trimmed

I just modelled it wrong and patched the wrong curves, I patched and tried lofting the required lines now it works

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