Like the image attached. In the picture the knurling doesn’t go all the way around, but we would like to do one version as is, and one version with the knurling all the way around. Thinking of sweep 2 rail, or rail revolve, but am stuck. Any ideas?
Approach 1A
Create the rim without the knurling, with the shape such that the knurling is removed.
Create the shape to be removed for one knurl.
Use ArrayPolar to distribute the removal shape around the rim.
Boolean to create the knurling.
Approach 1B
Same as 1A except the knurling is created by addition rather than subtraction.
Approach 2
Create a segment of the rim including one knurl.
Create the rim using the segment and ArrayPolar
Hi Cosmas- probably not quite the shape you need but here’s a wheel I made - I guess this fits David’s ‘Approach 2’
SteeringWheel_PG.3dm (356.8 KB)
Hi guys, I really appreciate your help. I was thinking that one could set it up so that it was a one step process with a sweep 2 rail (or some such thing) but I see your point. Pascal, your model is exactly what I want but was curious about how to get there. Thank you.
I think it was this:
On the back half of the wheel, place 3 arcs one at 0, one at 5 and one at 10 degrees.
Scale the middle one to be shorter than the other two.
Loft the three or Sweep2 in the front half edges. Sweep is probably better in this case.
Rotate a copy of the resulting surface 10 degrees each way so that there is a copy at each end of the first one.
MatchSrf each end of the middle surface to the neighboring surface for Tangency, with Average checked.
Delete the two copies.
ArrayPolar the remaining surface 36 copies…
Any luck?
Thank you, Pascal. This is awesome.