How to load a Python custom command in R8?

What I’m trying to do is installing a custom command that worked in R7 for R8. For that, I copied the whole folder
because it didn’t exist there yet (strangely, at my home computer, it did after installation).

However, none of the commands are found by R8 after a restart.

So, I’m trying to find out how to create a custom command in R8. In the script editor in R7 there was a template to create a custom command.

I can’t seem to find this in the new script editor in R8.
When I choose “New”, I get this:

What am I missing?


I am not familiar with the way you had your custom commands in Rhino 7. In Rhino 8 however, the designated way would be to create a Rhino Plugin with your Python commands embedded. It is quite straightforward if you can deal with the Newton DLL bug.

Here’s a short tutorial from McNeel:

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