How to limit the degrees in which a curve can turn in grasshopper

I’m working in grasshopper shortest walk and am trying to find a way to limit the degrees in which my curve can turn before reaching its final target. my goal is to have them stay below 180 for each individual path. I am also attempting to not rebuild as it has had problems in my other scripts in disrupting the continuity of the curves. the image is of the path I currently have and am trying to get the turn radius down on. Thank you guys for the help!!

I’ve looked through all the forums here and have tried what I have found but none have seemed to work. I feel like it should be a simple answer I just can’t seem to find it. I also have the base code with embedded files if anyone needs it, I can put that in here also

You didn’t attach a .gh file.
In your picture is seems to be no case of “turn past 180 degree” …
I personally have no idea what you are talking about. No clue at all.

sorry here is my file. I might have described it wrong but i’m trying to set a limit to the “turns” a curve can take to meet its final path using shortest walk. I want to make the curves stay straight when possible while trying to avoid using rebuild as it caused problems in the program last time (9.4 KB)

None of your parameters have internalized geometries.
2024-07-17 16_43_49-Grasshopper - Shortest-Path_GH

Either share also the .3dm file you are using, or internalize them.

@Marisa_z I’m not exactly following what you are after but here are three different methods for path solving given your input mesh.

The first snip you shared does not seem to have a correlation to the mesh in your attached .gh file.

Model Space:



“Visibility Graph”

Graph Space:

Maybe this will help you? (84.5 KB)


hey this actually was exactly what I was looking for, I was struggling with understanding the program a little because I haven’t used it before but this was what I needed, Thank you!

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Happy to hear that! Out of curiosity which of the “path styles” were you after?

visibility graph, I was looking overall for straighter lines

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Nice! Glad that worked.