How to know the installation folder of rhinoceros?

Hi!, Is there any registry to know the installation folder of rhinoceros? or how can i know where is rhino installed?. I need execute the rhiexec.exe just for install a rhi plugin, and sometimes the .rhi extension is not associate to the rhino software.
Thanks :slight_smile:

You can find the Rhino files in most cases here :
C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\System\x64

Or you can search the file itself on explorer…

Yeah thanks, but how can i know where is installed (programmatically)?. I mean, i want execute the rhiexec.exe from another .exe, and i need to know where the rhino software is installed. Thanks

Hi Ignacio,

Look here:


Here you will find executable.x86 and executable.x64 keys that give you the path to Rhiexec.exe.

– Dale