How to give thickness to lunchbox panels created in grasshopper

Hello Everyone, In this rhino file I created a Triangular panelled cyclinder I want to give thickness but offsetsrf doesnt work . Please do help.

pattern_frame.3dm (1.9 MB) (5.9 KB)

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lunchbox_pattern_frame Edited (9.9 KB)
But it will not give closed BREP. I guess that is the bug of the Panel Frame component.

The triangular facets are missing I need those also with thickness to fill up the thick gaps .

Are there any methods to bake the sheets generated using panel component and then give thickness in rhino

Modifications to code posted by @Quan_Li

This produces a single closed brep:

lunchbox_pattern_frame Edited (9.8 KB)

This produces a closed brep for each panel:

lunchbox_pattern_frame Edited (9.4 KB)
