e.g. How do I get the curve(s) after using something like this:
rs.Command("_Silhouette _selid {} _Enter".format(all_objs[i].Id))
e.g. How do I get the curve(s) after using something like this:
rs.Command("_Silhouette _selid {} _Enter".format(all_objs[i].Id))
Hi @ivelin.peychev, one way would be:
rc = rs.Command("_Silhouette")
if rc:
obj_ids = rs.LastCreatedObjects(select=False)
Thanks @clement,
I just thought of another way. Getting the curves created in the current layer but yours is definitely better
When your command only creates one object, you can also use FirstObject()
Thanks for the hint @emilio, I was surprised that when running silhouette on a pipe object it creates two circles and two lines, go figure.
Often Silhouette creates more curves than we need.
When using it interactively, deleting the unwanted curves is easy.
I guess that in a script things may be more complex …
Yep, I have to use two more commands afterwards
and _CurveBoolean