How to get single "event" from intersections

Maybe it’s a bug (insect) :laughing:

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Dunno, this works for me:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino

crvIDs=rs.GetObjects("Select two curves that intersect",4,preselect=True)
if crvIDs and len(crvIDs)==2:
    crvs=[rs.coercecurve(crvID) for crvID in crvIDs]
    if insec:

Edit: fixed stupid typo…

No, Mitch, this doesn’t work here.

I am on 6.15RC latest update.

Me too… I think. (6.15.19148.13161, 28-May-19)

Sorry, there was a typo in the above - I added the following without testing…
Note to self: always test before you post! :flushed:

if crvIDs and len(crvIDs==2):

it should read

if crvIDs and len(crvIDs)==2:


No probs, I saw and fixed it but still didn’t work for me.

Have you tried your code with more curves selected?

Yeah, actually it works only with two curves :slight_smile:
My bad, I directly tried to apply to my test model.

Uh, as far as I know, CurveCurveIntersection is for only two curves…

Yes, you’re right.

This is my algorithm

def TST():
    curves_ids = rs.GetObjects("get curves: ",rs.filter.curve)
    if curves_ids == None: return
    curves = [rs.coercecurve(id) for id in curves_ids if id is not None]
    ptlst = []
    for i in range(-1,len(curves)-1):
        #print curves[i]
        curve_0 = curves[i-1]
        curve_1 = curves[i]
        curve_2 = curves[i+1]
        #if not curve_0 or not curve_1 or not curve_2: return
        # Calculate the intersection
        intersection_tolerance = tol
        overlap_tolerance = 0.0
        insect_event_01 = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurveCurve(curve_0, curve_1, intersection_tolerance, overlap_tolerance)
        insect_event_12 = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurveCurve(curve_1, curve_2, intersection_tolerance, overlap_tolerance)
        tmp_pt_lst = []
        if insect_event_01.Count > 0:
            for event in insect_event_01:
        for pt in tmp_pt_lst:#list(set())
            if pt is not Rhino.Geometry.Point3d.Unset:
    #print ptlst
    #print len(ptlst)
    #print list(set(ptlst))
    #print len(list(set(ptlst)))
    for pt in ptlst:
        if pt is not None:

I want to get rid of this part:

for event in insect_event_01:

but insect_event_01[0].PointA

doesn’t work

Dunno, the following works for me if I have 3 intersecting curves:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino

def TST():
    curves_ids = rs.GetObjects("get curves: ",rs.filter.curve)
    if curves_ids == None: return

    curves = [rs.coercecurve(id) for id in curves_ids if id is not None]
    ptlst = []
    for i in range(-1,len(curves)-1):
        curve_0 = curves[i-1]
        curve_1 = curves[i]
        curve_2 = curves[i+1]
        intersection_tolerance = sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
        overlap_tolerance = 0.0
        insect_event_01 = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurveCurve(curve_0, curve_1, intersection_tolerance, overlap_tolerance)
        insect_event_12 = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurveCurve(curve_1, curve_2, intersection_tolerance, overlap_tolerance)
        tmp_pt_lst = []
        if insect_event_01.Count > 0: tmp_pt_lst.append(insect_event_01[0].PointA)
        if insect_event_12.Count > 0: tmp_pt_lst.append(insect_event_12[0].PointA)
    for pt in tmp_pt_lst: rs.AddPoint(pt)


The problem appears when the order of selection has a possibility to create a couple of curves that do not intersect.

My algorithm works flawless if there are 2 and 3 curves.

If you add more, in my case it’s 7, it breaks:


You need to order the curves or select them in orderly manner, that’s why I created the other thread about ordering the curves. I’m now trying to make both algorithms work together.

Yes, but that’s a separate issue. I simply answered the part that insect_event_01[0].PointA does work if the intersection actually exists. As far as ordering the curves goes, well, good luck…

Here is the sample i promised @ivelin.peychev:

import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc

def splitCurvesWithEachOther():
    # get tolerance from doc
    dTol = sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
    # get curves
    result, arrObjRefs = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetMultipleObjects("Pick curves", False, Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Curve)
    if result != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success:
        return result
    # convert from objRef to Curve
    arrCurves = [obj.Geometry() for obj in arrObjRefs]
    # empty list for split parts
    listCurveSplitParts = []
    # iterate over all curves
    for i in range(len(arrCurves)):
        # empty list for intersection parameters on test curve
        arrDIntersectionParams = []
        # iterate over all curves again
        for j in range(len(arrCurves)):
            # intersecting a curve with itself only leads to cunfusion...
            if i == j: continue
            # do the intersection
            arrXEvents = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurveCurve(arrCurves[i], arrCurves[j], dTol, 0.0)
            # in your case, Ivelyn the curves only ever intersect their neighbour once
            if arrXEvents.Count != 1: continue
            # we got here so we can append to the intersection parameters
        # tets if we really found 2 parameters
        if len(arrDIntersectionParams) == 2:
            # do the splitting
            arrCurveSplit = arrCurves[i].Split(arrDIntersectionParams)
            # should be 3 parts
            if arrCurveSplit.Count == 3:
                # keep the part in the middle
    # join it all up
    arrCurveJoined = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.JoinCurves(listCurveSplitParts, dTol)
    # test if it worked :)
    if arrCurveJoined:
        # finally add to doc
        # and redraw for visual pleasure
        objAdded = sc.doc.Objects.MostRecentObject()
if __name__ == "__main__":

Let me know if this helped :slight_smile:
PS: No need to order things, just box select away


Thanks for sharing that @lando.schumpich,

It certainly works, I’ll try to understand it.
Thanks for the comments :slight_smile: