How to get rid of shading on specific parts from display modes

I want to remove all possible shading from some object and make them 100% white. For example, if I use Simple Bright display mode, I select object that I want to show in white color and without shade, and in Object properties assign them Custom Technical display mode. I modified custom technical mote to show pure white surfaces with no shadows. But, back in Simple Bright mode I still see some shadows. See attached images.

How do I remove shadows circled in red on attached images?


Hi Mike -

That display mode is not a standard display mode, so I can’t say much about that.

Assuming that “Simple Bright” is a modification of a regular display mode, this won’t work. You can’t mix regular display modes and technical display modes.

Hi WIn,
I am not sure I understand your suggestion.

What I am trying to accomplish is to not-to-display one/some parts but that they still block displayed parts. For example on one of attached image, I don’t want to display blue part, but I still want it to block red part that is displayed. I am not sure if this is possible to accomplish regularly, but I found work around that includes placing blue part in white colow and displaying it in pure white, however I can’t get rid of gray shades on this white part. This would work for me if I can make it to remove extra shades. Or maybe some better solution if you can suggest :slight_smile:

Hi @milojeoljaca
Custom material with self-illumination turned on and Emmision color set to white

HTH, Jakob

Hi Jakob,
Thank you very much for solution :slight_smile:
Sorry for late reply, I was on the trip.
Best Wishes,

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