Hello, I have a question that I think is very easy for most of you but I’m a bit of a beginner…
I would like to emboss two surfaces as you can see below. I have somehow managed to emboss one of the two sides using PlanarSrf > ExtrudeSrf > BooleanDifference but somehow cannot manage to emboss the other side… Would it be possible to tell me why it’s not working and how to make it work?
Left: Curves used to loft surfaces
Middle: Managed to emboss the small circle-like shape top side using PlanarSrf > ExtrudeSrf > BooleanDifference
Right: Same object as middle but flipped upside down. Cannot manage to emboss…
Please find the file attached here
Emboss.3dm.zip (8.5 MB)
Sorry for the newbie question! Any help would be very much appreciated!