How to do this like a closed polysurface?

Pour Forum.3dm (417.4 KB)

I would like to do this “maillage” i done into a closed polysurface. I really took my head and think about how to do this, using “réseau de courbe” fonction, for example, but, i just can’t do this. It seems it is a long time now i did not modelise that kind, and it seems i am now a novice in Rhino.
I have the software in french, so, it is another difficulty, as i don’t know how to translate if you answer me with english Rhino version :slight_smile:
Could you please help me and show me how to do this, step by step, it seems i can’t really understand at all how to do. In the file here, you have 2 modelisations: one that has some kinds of surfaces, but, i don’t know how to go further, and, the other modelisation only have the “maillage”, as we say in french.
Thanks so much, i am a little bit disappointed to not be able to do this… :slight_smile:

CurveNetwork can work with some simple curves (depending on what this object is and whats the end goal, and the level of accuracy you need)
Pour Forum.3dm (897.3 KB)

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Bumby Pole

Is this bumpy detail
(change of curvature / 2 points of inclination / concave part)
of the curve a wanted detail / design or just bad curve quality ?


should the final part be symmetric ?
to one Axis (y)
or also to X-Axis


as the purpose of this shape is not clear - there are workflows that a allow a single, trimmed surface and other workflows that will result in a single surface with a pole (like a surface of revolution / _revolve)
depends a bit on the next steps.

approach with Pole

mainly use
(you can type those english commands in the command line also the french interface)

build 2 helper surfaces (green) with
_loft from the edges and the additional curve
adjust the CVs to fit to your design intention
_matchSrf to the base Crv

single surface

of course there are workflows, that will result in a single surface.
in this case I used

more to show the difference what I mean by Pole vs. single surface.

hope this helps - kind regards -tom

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Hi Milezee, thanks so much!
Yes, this is what i wanted. Just, i think that i don’t know how to use well CurveNetwork. I tried to use it for this modelisation, but, i had the answer that it was not possible.
I have to understand well how to use it in a good way!
Thans so much! :heart_eyes:

Hi Tom, thanks so much.
I think, my curves were not not very well done.
I am trying to understand how to use “loft” and “patch”, as, before i used less Rhino, i used those functions.
But, today, yes, i have to understand, really, how to use loft and patch, and the others commands you wrote. For this modelisation, i tried “patch”, but it did not work, i think, by my fault, but i don’t know why.
Too, i have to find , in french, what is “pole”, “match surface”.
The way you do the green surface, using extrude curve, i understand. I don’t know where in french there is “loft from edges and additional curve”, but i think this is “extruder le long d’une courbe”. I don’t know where in rhino french, i have “Match Surface to the base curve”. Mirror function, i know, this is “symétrie”.
So, i have to watch and understand what you propose here!
Thanks so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

to translate from english to french - search for the english url, and exchange

pole is just a collapsed edge with zero length… (which might cause problems - or be acceptable)
a sphere has a north and south pole.

loft - select the edge of the extruded surface, not the curve, check the tangent option of the command.

matchSrf is a command, just type it with underscore "" and the english name should work in the french interface.

my recommondation: use the english interface.

kind regards -tom

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Hi Tom, thanks so much!
Yes, i understand!
My problem is more how to use well the command “Network Srf”, as, sometimes, i can’t do what i want with this command.
In order to show this, now, i am creating a new post!
Tha,ks so much! :heart_eyes: