I would like to do this “maillage” i done into a closed polysurface. I really took my head and think about how to do this, using “réseau de courbe” fonction, for example, but, i just can’t do this. It seems it is a long time now i did not modelise that kind, and it seems i am now a novice in Rhino.
I have the software in french, so, it is another difficulty, as i don’t know how to translate if you answer me with english Rhino version
Could you please help me and show me how to do this, step by step, it seems i can’t really understand at all how to do. In the file here, you have 2 modelisations: one that has some kinds of surfaces, but, i don’t know how to go further, and, the other modelisation only have the “maillage”, as we say in french.
Thanks so much, i am a little bit disappointed to not be able to do this…
CurveNetwork can work with some simple curves (depending on what this object is and whats the end goal, and the level of accuracy you need) Pour Forum.3dm (897.3 KB)
should the final part be symmetric ?
to one Axis (y)
or also to X-Axis
as the purpose of this shape is not clear - there are workflows that a allow a single, trimmed surface and other workflows that will result in a single surface with a pole (like a surface of revolution / _revolve)
depends a bit on the next steps.
approach with Pole
mainly use
(you can type those english commands in the command line also the french interface)
build 2 helper surfaces (green) with
_loft from the edges and the additional curve
adjust the CVs to fit to your design intention
_matchSrf to the base Crv
Hi Milezee, thanks so much!
Yes, this is what i wanted. Just, i think that i don’t know how to use well CurveNetwork. I tried to use it for this modelisation, but, i had the answer that it was not possible.
I have to understand well how to use it in a good way!
Thans so much!
Hi Tom, thanks so much.
I think, my curves were not not very well done.
I am trying to understand how to use “loft” and “patch”, as, before i used less Rhino, i used those functions.
But, today, yes, i have to understand, really, how to use loft and patch, and the others commands you wrote. For this modelisation, i tried “patch”, but it did not work, i think, by my fault, but i don’t know why.
Too, i have to find , in french, what is “pole”, “match surface”.
The way you do the green surface, using extrude curve, i understand. I don’t know where in french there is “loft from edges and additional curve”, but i think this is “extruder le long d’une courbe”. I don’t know where in rhino french, i have “Match Surface to the base curve”. Mirror function, i know, this is “symétrie”.
So, i have to watch and understand what you propose here!
Thanks so much!
to translate from english to french - search for the english url, and exchange
fr-fr https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/8/help/en-us/commands/loft.htm https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/8/help/fr-fr/commands/loft.htm
pole is just a collapsed edge with zero length… (which might cause problems - or be acceptable)
a sphere has a north and south pole.
loft - select the edge of the extruded surface, not the curve, check the tangent option of the command.
matchSrf is a command, just type it with underscore "" and the english name should work in the french interface.
Hi Tom, thanks so much!
Yes, i understand!
My problem is more how to use well the command “Network Srf”, as, sometimes, i can’t do what i want with this command.
In order to show this, now, i am creating a new post!
Tha,ks so much!