How to disable the loading of missing scripts?

When I load Rhino 7, there is a warning message in the Command line that says the following:

Cannot find script file D:\PROGRAMI\Rhinoceros 7\Добавки\Set target to cursor\DIG_MMB_MacroEnhancer.rvb
Cannot find script file D:\PROGRAMI\Rhinoceros 7\Добавки\Set target to cursor\DIG_SetTargetToCursor.rvb

I no longer use these scripts, but seems like Rhino 7 is still looking for them to load. Is there a way to remove them completely from my Rhino? :slight_smile: I can’t find these in the plug-ins list.

Hi Bobi - those are listed under RhinoScript page -


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Wow, I must be blind. It was so obvious… Thank you, @pascal ! :slight_smile: