How to delete a Fillet Edge I did a long time ago?

I did the command FilletEdge a long while ago since i’ve been working on my project. I would now like to delete it but I cannot simply undo it because I’ve done a lot of work on the same file since then. Is there a way to delete a FilletEdge?

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If you’ve not shrunken the trimmed surfaces, you should be able to extractsrf on the fillet, delete it, then untrim the remaining surfaces.

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Thank you this worked. The only thing is that the surfaces sometimes extended past where I needed. Is there a way to avoid this or quickly delete it or do I just have to manually trim it all?

Thank you this worked. The only thing is that the surfaces sometimes extended past where I needed. Is there a way to avoid this or quickly delete it or do I just have to manually trim it all ?

It is going back to before I trimmed it at all but some of the trimming I need.

Where did the trimmers come from before? Maybe they’re still there.

So I used BooleanDifference to subtract from a slope that is not uniform using these red blocks. I then fillet’d the edges. Even if I click just to untrim the fillet edge, it untrims the entire shape into matching that part of the red block. Then it ends up hanging off all the edges which I tried to manually trim all of but it’s a little too difficult to get it all right.

EdgeSrf worked…Thank you!