How to Create a Macro to Assign Osnap To a hot key, as Ortho works with F8

I can use hot keys to turn on/Off quickly tools like ortho with the hotkey F8, when i check the keyboard shortcuts, i can see the assign key and the command Macro in this case Ortho show

  • Key F8 Command Macro '_Ortho

but when i write the same structure on an empty key to assign the Osnap to a hotkey

  • Key F5 Command Macro '_Osnap

Doesn’t work

So i believe that exist a script o macro with a more complex structure to turn on/off the Ortho saved in some file, and i want to use it to do the same thing with the Osnap, so anyone knows how to assign this hotkey or how to write the macro or script, for the hotkey works.


Hi Tony,

you could assign this macro to a F-Key, it is available in the Object Snap toolbar:

'_DisableOsnap _Toggle
