How to copy-and-paste by Using CPlane to CPlane between Rhino instances


I would like to know how to copy-and-paste by Using CPlane to CPlane between Rhino instances.


If I understand what you want, I don’t think it’s possible directly, as copying between files always references the world coordinate system…


Hi Katsu, or do you mean you’d like to RemapCplane from one instance of Rhino to another?


Can you do that? --Mitch

Nope… I am trying to understand the request though, it seemed like that might be it. Possibly.


OK, that’s what I thought he wanted as well, I was just worried I had missed the possibility to actually do it…

Hi all, thanks.

RemapCplane between instances would be OK for me.

I can export CPlane from one instance, and I import CPlane to another, and then I can Use RemapCplane and delete CPlane.

But it is time consuming operation.

I hope I could do copy and paste operation ( between instances ) with current CPlane information within clipboard.