How to convert corners of an EdgeFace to Point3d

I am writing an algorithm in Visual Studio that draws a sphere through the corners of a triangle. How do I convert the corners of a MeshFace into Point3ds? When I do face.A, that just gives an index of the point, not the coordinates.

Like this? (4.5 KB)

Thank you!
I can also use verticies.Point3dAt(Faces[0].A);

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General case:

  M.Vertices.CombineIdentical(true, true);
    Mesh[] pieces = M.SplitDisjointPieces();
    DataTree<Point3d> VT = new DataTree<Point3d>();

    for(int p = 0; p < pieces.Length;p++){

      Mesh m = pieces[p];

      var MTV = m.TopologyVertices;
      var MF = m.Faces;

      for(int i = 0; i < MF.Count;i++){
        int[] vIdx = MTV.IndicesFromFace(i);
        foreach(int idx in vIdx) VT.Add(MTV[idx], new GH_Path(p, i));

BTW: TopoVertices yields Vertices on per Mesh basis. Vertices yields vertices on a per MeshFace basis (Indexing IS NOT the same - but there’s RC Methods from-to).

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This doesn’t seem to be working for me

           foreach (Mesh t in inputCells) 
                MeshFaceList faces = t.Faces;
                var vs = t.Vertices;
                for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++)
                   var firstPoint = vs[t.Faces[i].A];
                   var secondPoint = vs[t.Faces[i].B];
                   var thirdPoint = vs[t.Faces[i].C];
                   Debug.Assert(firstPoint.GetType() == typeof(Point3d), "point is not a Point3d");

I also tried with a foreach loop

foreach (Mesh t in inputCells) 
                var vs = t.Vertices;
                foreach (var face in t.Faces) 
                   var firstPoint = vs[face.A];
                   var secondPoint = vs[face.B];
                   var thirdPoint = vs[face.C];
                   Debug.Assert(firstPoint.GetType() == typeof(Point3d), "point is not a Point3d");

I think I missed the point that Verticies per mesh are not the same as MeshFace verticies.

Is it because the mesh vertices are Point3f and not Point3d?

スクリーンショット 2023-06-29 10.20.26




There is also a constructor for point3d that takes point3f as an argument.

Yes, I was able to convert it into a Point3d with the constructor. I had never heard of Point3f!

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I always thought Point3d meant a 3-dimensional point. I think it actually means a point with double floating point precision. and Point3f means single floating-point precision.

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