(P Kant)
January 14, 2025, 11:19am
Hi, i found a grashopper file from a diffrent topic but which works for a single ‘‘active view’’. But i was wondering if there was a function to make this for all dependent views in 1 press.
Ps. I would prefer .gh files with your respond. Thanks in advance!
January 14, 2025, 8:16pm
Hi P Kant,
I see that you found this thread…
You would think that was an easy one, but alias it is not supported by the Revit API directly. The way to do it is to set individual offsets.
Here is a rough example to get you started.
Note: “This value must be a non-negative length in view units. Default value is 1/12’ (1”), minimal value is 1/96’ (1/8"). To get offset in model units, multiply the value by the view scale."
re_annotationCropOffsets.gh (9.2 KB)
What version of Rhino & Revit are you using?
1. Basic About Information
You can find a complete About info here in the Revit Rhino Ribbon
(P Kant)
January 16, 2025, 9:47am
Rhino seems to work properly in revit for me.