How to compile RH6 c++ dll

The c++ plugin compiled perfectly but it is also giving .rhp
How to get .dll ?

and can I use c++ plugin dll as reference to my c# dotnet plugin?

How can I get .dll compiled. Is it a different process?

Do I need to write a CLI in c++ to use it in c#?
I do not work in c++, so please do not mind if I ask any meaningless question.
Thanks in advance for the help.

What is the goal that you are trying to achieve? It would help me figure out how to best answer your questions.

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You can use P/Invoke from a C# assembly to call a function inside a C++ dll. The nice thing is that you don’t need a .dll file, this can be done directly into the .rhp file!

For example, we have in a C# assembly the following declaration of an extern function (that exists in the C++ plug-in)

[DllImport("MyCPlusPlusPlugIn.rhp")] // refer to the Rhino C++ plugin
public static extern void SetShowLines(bool value);

and inside our C++ plug-in we have the function

extern "C"
  __declspec(dllexport) void SetShowLines(bool value)
    // gets called from C#, do stuff in C++ here

The extern "C" {...} is necessary to get so-called unmangled function names in the C++ DLL; and the __declspec(dllexport) is needed so that the name of the function is visible to users of the DLL.

That is all there is to it!

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Thanks Steve and Menno !
@menno , you Gave me some ideas, which is very helpful to start with.
Problem is, I forgot c++ All the time writing c# dot net, so now struggling badly to get head around with c++ sdk…Codes at front of me from 7 years back. all looks like Chinese language ! :slight_smile:
But Your advise is very helpful to start with! and this is all I wanted to know for now.
Will catch up soon.

Many thanks.