How to change Gumball Scale Modes (relative or absolute)

Hi, so I’ve noticed something odd working at my friend’s computer.
in my computer, when I drag gumball scale handles, for example, if I type 200, it makes the total size 200.
in the other hand, in my friend’s computer, if I type 200, it increases/decreases the current size in the amount of 200. which is weird, because a lot of time I really need to increase size by certain number, and I have to mentally do the math myself. :))

anyway, I’ve been searching, and I only found out Gumball scale mode command, which I can choose between relative or absolute, which I really thought is the option to change that, but apparently it only changes how the gumball appears, and doesn’t have any effect on how it works.

I really appreciate any help here, I’m tutoring rhino to some friends, and I have no idea why the option is different in my rhino and theirs.

Try the command GumballScaleMode

Gumball | Rhino 3-D modeling.

thank you so much for your suggestion, but as I’ve mentioned in the original post, “GumballScaleMode” only affects the appearance of Gumball scale handles, and does not affect functionality. for example in my system, changing the mode to Relative, makes the handles 1.25x gumball size, and when dragging the scale handle and typing 200, makes the handle 200 which is very relative to how far I am from object in viewport… it’s completely messed up.

Sorry, how could I not see that in your post?

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check the drag strength setting in the gumball options.

I bet it’s set to something other than 100

I actually don’t know what Dragging strength does, but that’s not it actually.

interestingly I found out what I was looking for, by trying few things, which to be honest, it can be better.

while in Snappy dragging it works as I mentioned first, so whatever you enter, will be the final number. but while in smooth dragging, it will add relatively, but not to current number, based on where the gumball is, for example if you move gumball for 200 unit, and then type 200 unite, it will add 400. which most of time, it’s not accurate, since you can’t really move gumball accurately while drag it in smooth mode.