How to apply MoveGrid() changes to surface

Hi everyone!
I followed the steps described in to modify an existing surface locally in a cage. I think the only difference is, that I automatically pick up the Grip-Points. Before running my Command I execute _CageEdit select the surface → Enter → Select a Existing Cage → Choose Local → type 1 → I can see the Grip Point and move them manually.

After the Command(please see Source Code) I see a perfect preview (yellow lines) of the result but I have no idea how accept/apply this preview. In the moment I press Esc every change is lost :frowning:

Thank you in advance!

CRhinoCommand::result CCommandRhinoFFDC::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
CRhinoObjectIterator it(CRhinoObjectIterator::undeleted_objects, CRhinoObjectIterator::active_and_reference_objects);
it.IncludeLights( false );
it.IncludeGrips( true );
int count = 0;
CRhinoObjectGrips* test;
CRhinoXformObjectList xform_list;

for( CRhinoObject* pObject = it.First(); pObject; pObject = it.Next() )
if (pObject->ObjectType() == ON::grip_object)
xform_list.AddObject(pObject, true);

int i;

CRhinoGripObject* ttt = xform_list.m_grips[i];
ON_3dPoint newpoint;


for( i = 0; i < xform_list.m_grip_owners.Count(); i++ )
CRhinoObject* old_object = xform_list.m_grip_owners[i];
if( old_object )
CRhinoObject* new_object = old_object->m_grips->NewObject();
if( new_object )
context.m_doc.ReplaceObject( CRhinoObjRef(old_object), new_object, true );


return CRhinoCommand::success;

Does this sample help?