How to add engraved font to an object

I am working on a military style dog tag for jewelry. It is 1.5 millimeters thick around the edges, and then the center plane is 1 millimeter. I am trying to add a font to the center. I can’t get the font at the hight that i need, when i try adding the font Rhino doesn’t give an option to type in the height. i just need to get the font more level with the dog tag and then do the boolean union. Any help is appreciated!

DogTagVeganClub.3dm (6.7 MB)

I think this technique is covered in Tutorial 19 in the Rhino for Mac Users Guide:

thank you, turns out i just needed to change the thickness.
When using the command TextObject, is it better to have solid or curve checked? Also, does it matter to have engraving font checked?

Hi Leslie -

That all depends on what you want to do with the result.

I urge you to have a look through fhe Help file article for the command.
The command supports creating outline curves, surfaces (filled outline curves), or Solids (extruded and capped curves) using the font characters.

“Engraving” fonts are something entirely different. Unlike regular text fonts, they are “Single stroke” characters that attempt to create single line curves without outlines.

I’m trying to have the text that i created be engraved onto the dog tag. either engraved or raised solid text

I am trying to have the text that i created on the dog tag look like it is engraved onto the dog tag. i am also considering it just be raised solid font. i will have a look at the help file article. would engraving fonts not be solid text? or just the outline of each letter?

Go to this Help file article for the TextObject command, and search for “engraving”.
I think that will show you what this options does and is for.