How parameter t works in curve?

I have 5 curves that are basically the same lenght. When i try to evaluate lenght (same lenght for all curves) i got pretty different values. My 5 curves have domain 0 to 1, so i expected practically same values.

Is parameter t not proportional to curve lenght?

No, it’s not, it’s proportional to the length of the control polygon of the curve. If you have a generic Nurbs, there is no simple relationship with the length.

The NURBS curve parameter is not proportional to either curve length nor control polygon length.

Move the control points and the curve length and control polygon length will change without the parameter changing.

Scale the parameter uniformly (same scale factor applied to all knots) and the curve shape, curve length and control polygon length will not change.

Thanks for the details.

I thought so because the domain end matches the length of the polygon.

But indeed it’s only true until the curve is modified.

Thanks guys for so comprehensive answers.