How does one show the dots linetype? - Other linetypes do work

I was using the Dots linetype for my document when I was using R7, now that I want to use R8, I cannot get the Dots linetype to show. I tried the document settings linetype scale, object linetype scale and enabled printdisplay. How come I can see other linetypes, but not the Dots one?

E: For some linetypes the selection seems to have gotten wonky. I think that this is due to display issues, which you’ll see when I copy it over to R7 and use the same scale and linetype settings.

E2: This also begs the question whether or not you should be able to select a dashed line by clicking on the part of the line that is not shown (at least, when the dashes or dots are rather small).

Hoi -
I think you are reporting

  • RH-73035 LineTypeDisplay: Dots displays as continuous
  • RH-72212 Selection: Somewhat hard to select a curve with a linetype


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RH-73035 is fixed in the latest WIP

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