How does one move a FilletEdge initial handle along an edge?


I do a FilletEdge but need the fillet to stop part way along the edge. How does one drag the handle resilting from the initial command back along the edge to achieve this ?

I have two objects, one will be made in metal the other 3D printed.
The metal object sits under the 3D printed one, forming a tight fit.

I dont want a fillet on the metal one carrying on under the 3D one else there will be a crescent tunnel !

There must be a way of adjusting handle location after choosing FilletEdge , I need to move the one handle the initial command gives.



Hi Steve - SplitEdge at the desired stopping point.


Hi, cheers.
Just tried that and the filletEdge yellow line stops there, thats good, I hit enter and the result isnt filleted trimmed and goes beyond there.

SplitEdge at ‘A’
SplitEdge Works and fails.3dm (423.3 KB)

I plan on

  1. filletEdge
  2. BooleanDifference the red.
  3. FilletEdge from broad to narrow the edges from the red cut.


why is SplitEdge doing this to me ?



Please, need to solve this as project almost finished but for this.
(and any other surprises Rhino has, lurking in the bushes over there snorting !)

splitEdge splits but then fillet ignores the split.


In this case you need to use _FilletSrf rather than _FilletEdge because, as you’ve seen, you can’t stop the latter running on too far (still so in R8). I’m not clear exactly how far you want to fillet, but assuming this curved edge is it:

Start by extracting (Copy=No) surfaces p & q.
Then, if not already done, split the edge of p at each end of q.
Next run FilletSrf (Extend=No) on p & q.
You will need to do some trimming on p because the fillet doesn’t cut it into two pieces on its own, so draw a line on p here:

and the same at the other end of the fillet, then use the two lines and the fillet to trim p. Delete the lines.
Join everything together and fill the little holes at each end of the fillet.

not sure if I understood your question

you search something like this ?

SplitEdge Works and fails_tpHelps.3dm (1.1 MB)