Sorry for the noob question, but how do change the world axis orientation to Y up? In all my other CAD packages, I have the ability to change which axis is up. In Modo, Maya and Fusion 360, the default is Y up. I’d like to make Rhino the same so I don’t have to rotate the models each time I’m switching from one application to the other. I’ve spent hours looking for this option in ‘settings’ but can’t find that option. I imagine it’s a simple check box somewhere. Thanks!
I don’t believe there is a toggle or setting for this.
There are settings that come up when importing or exporting obj, fbx, etc files into/out of rhino for swapping z and y axes to get autodesk files to sit within rhino space and “convert” top view to front view.
But both spaces have the same axes fundamentally. Filmbox (FBX) takes the viewpoint of a camera, thus x,y is screen space looking forward if you will, and z being depth from the camera. Rhino uses a cartesian space, x,y perpendicular to the direction of “gravity” set to z axis. Other softwares have the option of letting camera rotation fly free independent of “gravity”, and I though rhino had that, but on checking today in R7, couldn’t find any option. I believe you’re stuck with Rhino Z being up and autodesk Y being up, but there are conversion settings when importing/exporting…
can’t by default in rhino model space,
but you can when exporting obj and fbx and a few other formats.
Thanks Jesse & Kyle
I’ll check on the conversion settings during import/export.