How do I make a list of all materials in a document?

I would like to make a list of all materials in a document (so I can change a value on all of them if the value is lower than 0) I can not find any ways to do this.


Hi Jorgen,

Here is RS and RDK sample - RhinoScript itself does not handle all materials too well from what I tried so far, so its better to go using RDK, as cryptic as the documentation is. Obviously there must be better Python/RhinoCommon way to do it…

       'get RDK Object`
	Dim rdk : Set rdk = Rhino.GetPlugInObject("Renderer Development Kit")
	'get list of all RDK data ids in the document
	Dim rdkALL : rdkALL = rdk.FactoryList()
	'filtered materials ID list
	Dim arrMatIDList : arrMatIDList = rdk.ContentList("material") 
	'get materials names
	Dim i,arrMatNames : arrMatNames = array(): ReDim arrMatNames(Ubound(arrMatIDList))
	For i=0 To Ubound(arrMatIDList)
		arrMatNames(i) = rdk.ContentInstanceName(arrMatIDList(i)) 



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Excellent Thanks!
I had to dig into the documentation and use the .ContentInstanceName() and here is the python version:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

#get RDK Object`
rdk = rs.GetPlugInObject("Renderer Development Kit")
#get list of all RDK data ids in the document
rdkALL = rdk.FactoryList()

#filtered materials ID list
arrMatIDList = rdk.ContentList("material") 
print len(arrMatIDList)

#get materials names
arrMatNames = []

for i in range(len(arrMatIDList)):
    arrMatNames.append( rdk.ContentInstanceName(arrMatIDList[i]) )
for i in range(len(arrMatNames)):
    print arrMatNames[i]